Xenosaga Wiki
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The Dora is a mighty green military tank-like Gear piloted by Gebler Commander Vanderkaum. It was stored aboard Aveh's flagship the Kefeinzel, which prowled the Aveh-Kislev border near the end of the Ignas Desert.

Vanderkaum uses this Gear, loaded with his trademark big guns, to confront Fei and the Desert Pirates after they sink the Kefeinzel. The Dora is equipped with a pair of long attack arms with grabber claws that grab Fei’s companion Gears up right off the ground and swing them around and even use them as weapons.

The grisly wreckage of the Dora is later found scattered across the desert sands by Citan on his way to Nortune.


A similar looking boss (known as Proto Dora) was fought in Proto Merkabah of Xenosaga Episode I.


Perfect Works, pg 79. (Gear spec conversion table)
