Xenosaga Wiki
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El-Renmazuo is Billy Lee Black's Omnigear. It was aligned with the Anima Relic Joseph in the Anima Dungeon One near the end of the game. El-Renmazuo looked strikingly similar to the normal Renmazuo, though its Omnigear form was measurably more powerful and sported a pair of diamond-shaped wings instead of a heroic cape. Billy puts his new Omnigear to good use as he helps Fei and Elly defeat the massive G-Elements Gear.


Perfect Works, pg79. (Gear spec conversion table)

"Like the other Omnigears it was at one point an Anima Relic that was absorbed by Deus and thus deactivated. However, using the data taken from Xenogears as a base, the sages of Shevat, Balthasar and Mechior could reconstruct it. Thanks to that, its capabilities have increased compared to the prior version. The standard weapon is the same as before reconstruction. Billy's father's Buntline Cannon can still be used too."
