No. 498 is an NPC in Xenosaga Episode II. She is the 498th U.R.T.V. to be born at the Yuriev Institute, and the only standard female unit seen in the entire franchise. According to Citrine, her leader, there are only nine of her kind remaining. For unknown reasons, female URTVs tend to have unstable wavelengths and die quickly. Since No. 498 is a standard unit and was not subject to as much genetic engineering as the URTV Variants were, she retains her father's blonde hair and blue eyes.
No. 498 can be found in the outside area of the Yuriev Institute, near the tree and the two graves. If talked to as Gaignun Kukai, Jr., she comments that she detects a male wavelength. If any other party member is leading, she will express her desire to make a grave for someone like Albedo did, but wonders if Citrine will get mad at her for it.