Placeholder to remind myself of where I intend to make some revisions, add content, etc.
- XenoComi character images
- Playable characters:
Allen, chaos,Jr., KOS-MOS, MOMO, Shion,Ziggy - Non-playable characters:
100-Series,Hammer,Mary,Matthews,Professor,Sakura,Sakura's cat,Scott,Shelley,Tony- Make a page for her cat?
- Playable characters:
- XenoComi backgrounds
ElsaDurandal(partial)Foundation- Other (
Robot Academy, etc)
- XenoComi gallery images
Xenosaga I[]
- Outer File info
- Robot Academy details?
- Swimsuit info?
Xenosaga II[]
- Xenosaga II swimsuits
- Is there official artwork for these? There seems to be some for a few characters, but were these set up in Poser or something similar by fans?
- Interior Durandal screenshots
- Kukai Foundation screenshots
Xenosaga III[]
- Interior Durandal screenshots
- Interior Elsa screenshots
- Droids
- HaKox screenshots
- Character portraits
New Pages[]
- Droids
- Final weapons?
- Game mechanics?
Ginevra- Robot Academy / Erde Kaiser / etc? Dark Professor plotline?
- Erde Kaiser images
- Sakura's cat?
- Pied Piper script?
- Chapter
One/Two/Three - Add images to script / fix missing ones / add dialogue versions to main entry gallery?
- Add Pied Piper images to character pages
- Link to radio drama project
- Chapter
- Outer File / drama CD, link to fan translations
- Personality Reconditioning
- Gaignun cleanup
- Office images
- Jr. cleanup
- Swimsuit item stats for XSI and XSII
- Tony
- Hammer
- Matthews
Remove Enneagram info / replace with trivia section note- Add captions to Pied Piper images / rearrange per plot order
- Remove duplicates (?)
- Link to points in storyline in brackets
- Leupold (add more info)
Bart trivia- Mary & Shelley (Shelley's parents? Source?)
- Cherenkov's wife and daughter
- Mention Sakura on the beach, plus the fish sidequest
- Add reference info tying back to XSI and XSIII databases where possible
- Create reference sections as needed